學校一向致力提倡培育學生對語文及視藝的興趣,家長教師會故此特設一年一度的相關比賽,讓不同才藝的學生能夠發揮所長,將他們的創作能力盡情展現出來! 與此同時亦鼓勵同學積極參與中英文文學創作比賽,提升同學對語文的興趣及水平。
以下是第十二屆家長教師會視藝大獎得獎名單 :
作品名稱 |
學生 |
家教會獎項 |
冠軍 |
救護機械人 |
楊芳宜(1E 34) |
港幣600元 |
亞軍 |
多功能家務機械人 |
盧思穎 (1A 19) |
港幣450元 |
季軍 |
清潔機阿德 |
楊逸朗(1C 35) |
港幣300元 |
優異獎 |
科學幻想 |
張藝博(1A 35) |
港幣200元 |
優異獎 |
自動回收吸塵機 |
林泳桐(1D 18) |
港幣200元 |
優異獎 |
太陽能電車 |
李祉璇 (1C 21) |
港幣200元 |
楊芳宜(1E 34)
盧思穎 (1A 19)
楊逸朗(1C 35)
張藝博(1A 35)
林泳桐(1D 18)
李祉璇 (1C 21)
以下是第十二屆家長教師會中文文學創作獎得獎名單 :
學生 |
家教會獎項 |
冠軍 |
廖祖瑜 (2E) |
港幣600元 |
亞軍 |
王恩桐 (3B) |
港幣450元 |
季軍 |
黃鈞越 (2E) |
港幣300元 |
優異獎 |
譚芷嫣 (2D) |
港幣200元 |
優異獎 |
朱珉萱 (2A) |
港幣200元 |
優異獎 |
翟奕涵 (2E) |
港幣200元 |
冠軍作品 《校园一隅》
2E 廖祖瑜
中基的環保徑,讓我與自然、四季,植物深刻地融合在一起。這小徑的每一時、每一處無不散發著中基的特色。中基的學生如春、夏充滿活力,中基的老師如秋、冬默默付出。老師無論學生條件如何仍無私慷慨的諄諄教導讓各色各樣的花開;學生畢業後再回母校成為師資是已化作春泥的花落。一代傳一代的中基精神,是讓無數莘莘學子 ,而中基也將如這條環保徑般,“桃李”滿天下。一代傳一代的中基精神是讓無數莘莘學子努力學習的動力。
Winners of The 12th PTA Young Writer’s English Writing Contest (S4 – S5) are as follow:
Awards |
Student / Class |
PTA Prizes |
The Champion |
Cheung Yu Hin (4A 04) |
HKD600 |
First Runner-up |
Chan Long Hei (4A 03) |
HKD450 |
Second Runner-up |
Leung Wing Kiu (5A 23) |
HKD300 |
Merit |
Wong Yu Ton (5B 31) |
HKD200 |
Merit |
Ng Chung Yin (5B 20) |
HKD200 |
Merit |
Au Shi Long (4A 01) |
HKD200 |
The Champion : Giving New Things a Shot
4A Cheung Yu Hin
Typically, secondary school life is associated with absorbing knowledge and preparing for the HKDSE. However, so far in my four years of studying in secondary school, it has been more than that. It has been a journey of maturing. Teachers and classmates have enlightened me about different aspects of life, such as being grateful, having manners, and many other things like these. Yet, out of all these lessons, the most transformative lesson I have learnt has been understanding the importance of trying everything.
Unlike many students, I was quite a quiet and passive student when I started my secondary school life. I didn’t have a lot of friends or much familiarity with school life. With the COVID pandemic, lessons were online, so I barely participated in any school activities. This unfamiliarity with school life made it an uncomfortable zone and is one of the reasons why I could not be more excited every time the clock reached 4 pm, knowing I could finally escape school! Another reason was I barely had any hobbies at that time. When I arrived home, I would play video games, do homework and sleep.
This cycle repeated itself over and over again for quite a while. It was not until my third year in secondary school that I finally decided to socialise and expand my social circle. I was shocked when I discovered how actively they participated in school activities. They were even members of house committees, of the Student Council, and some of them were scouts… I thought, why waste time participating in school activities when you can relax and chill at home?
One day, my friend Raiden invited me to a basketball competition held by the Student Council. At first glance, I was hesitant; I did not want to lose my lunchtime. After debating with myself for a while, I finally agreed to it.
I can vividly recall the day of the competition. I was nervous, but I kept my composure. As I walked onto the basketball court, I heard cheering sounds, and the sun shone on me like a stage light, portraying me as the main character. After a few seconds, the starting whistle was blown, and my teammates and I played our hearts out. After a long-fought battle, we won. Students surrounding the court all cheered and applauded us. I smiled but was exhausted. Suddenly, I realised that school activities were different from how I had viewed them. They were not a waste of time but were learning experiences. If I had not joined this competition, I would not have known the “we will win” feeling, I would not have felt the excitement, and I would not have had my confidence increased. By trying this school activity, I gained a lot.
We only get to experience one secondary school life; we need to make the best out of it. Furthermore, this is not limited to school activities. In our daily life, trying out new things is commonly seen, for example, trying out new food, new hobbies, new clothes etc. If we do not give new things a shot, there will be lots of potentially wonderful things that we will miss out on. I now wish if only I had learnt this lesson earlier…
Ever since the competition, I have become more active. I have evolved and blossomed into a person who loves trying different things. I frequently join school activities such as the English Society and roles such as subject leaders. Also, I found myself new hobbies like Rubik’s cubes and completing puzzles. Hopefully, in the coming years, I can continue to have an amazing and enriching secondary school life that I can share with people.
I propose our school host a few large-scale inter-class sports and trivia competitions. In addition, teachers should hand out 4-5 cards for students to write to somebody they want as part of its 25th anniversary celebration. This can allow students to bond, promote team spirit, and make our school a closer community than ever before.