Vision, Mission, and Objectives


  • Rooted in Chinese culture, broadening global perspectives, nurturing students with all-round competence, and unleashing students' potential


  • We aim to help students to achieve personal excellence through nurturing in them a set of positive values and developing their social and learning attitudes as well as their professional competence which are conducive to life-long learning. We work for the betterment of our society in our provision of well-educated student graduates who are also open-minded, loyal and dedicated citizens.



  • Provide quality education;


  • Foster leadership, critical thinking, creativity and confidence among our students through the use of modern techniques and technology;


  • Cultivate empathy and mutual respect to foster harmonious relationships in our school and society; and


  • Build up our students' global awareness and adequately prepare them with the knowledge and skills necessary for substantive contributions to society.




  • Provide quality and diversified education, through an autonomous, responsive and dynamic school environment;


  • Foster equity in educational opportunities for those with special education needs;


  • Instil appropriate skills and attitudes in students so that they can acquire knowledge in all key learning areas, enhancing quality of life and contributing to society;


  • Help students achieve a high standard of learning, develop their self-esteem, self-confidence and commitment to personal excellence through instilling in them a positive value system;


  • Help students develop self-respect, respect for others, appreciation of Chinese cultural heritage, global vision as well as loyalty and affiliation to the HKSAR and China;


  • Inculcate attitudes and competencies into students as a foundation for tertiary education, professional training, employment and life-long learning;


  • Recruit qualified and dedicated teachers, providing them with opportunities for the enhancement of their qualifications, skills and job satisfaction so as to ensure effective teaching and progress that keeps up with the ever changing education system;


  • Employ modern technology to ensure high quality, effective and diversified teaching, learning and school administration;


  • Encourage parental and community participation and help them take pride and partner in the development of the School